Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Trip to the ER

I know I haven't posted in a while but baby Hailey went to the hospital last night. First things first. She had a really bad cold for the last week until yesterday when she had a temperature of a 102 degrees. We took her to the clinic first since it was a Saturday and they told me she needed to be sent my ambulance to the Texas Children's Hospital because of her high white blood cell count. We opted to take her ourselves to the ER. When we got there we had to wait for a really long time to see a doctor. After arriving at 7pm, we didn't end up leaving the hospital till 4 am. They ran a blook culture, urine culture, and x-rays on my little baby. Hailey was and still is exhausted from the traumatic experience. Keep us in your prayers and hope everyone has a good Memorial Day. BTW- Chris always knows how to make situations better . Here are some pictures from the ER trip.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

I just read your blog. Oh that seems scarey! I just called Chuck and Barb to make sure she was doing better. I figured I would let you sleep a bit longer. :)